The essence of style of the great ltalian creativity, is the form, the infinite cleanliness and the essentiality of the lines.
"So I conceive contemporary fashion. Something that is not to over the top, but that represents a perfect balance, a total synthesis that does not yield to useless futures. I reinvented my image by working on matter and color"
Romeo Gigli

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You can not descrihe passion, you can only live it
Enzo Ferrari

HINNOVA S.R.L. creates accessories with the unmistakable identity of the great ltalian creator who broke into the international scene in the '80s, amazing the fashion world, his creations are exhibited in museums in New York, London and Antwerp. Accessories that excite, and interpret fashion without ever losing, the expressions of italian style, an international quality brand.

An experiential baggage lasting almost half a century, a perspective of continuity between past and future, expressed by projects united by the adoption of a style and design able to satisfy the most diverse market needs.

The intuition of a moment is sometimes worth a lifetime of experience
Oliver Wendell Holmes

For over 40 years our company has been a leading player in various product divisions. Starting from an important background, the HINNOVA S.R.L. company evolves from generation to generation through a cutting-edge business model that combines an exemplary way of traditi on and innovation, in one word FUTURE.

Over time our production resources have been constantly updated with the aim of providing customers with timely answers to ever changing needs.

The intuition of the acquisition of important licenses in the fashion world, among which the ROMEO GIGLI MILANO brand of the famous ltalian designer stands out, bringing the third generation of SM P Trade, with Alba and Irene Pistolato, to invest substantially in 2012 in the leather goods segment and becoming one of the leading companies in the fleld also in unexplored foreign markets, as an ambassador in the world of absolute quality of the ltalian Fashion.

The company is located in a state-of-the-art complex of 6 thousand square meters in the Baricentro Park in Casamassima (Ba) in Puglia-ltaly, where the main phases of the entire product chain take place: from the creative process to integrated logistics for distribution, in order to ride the new challenges that the global market imposes. In the 6 floors of the office tower D two showrooms are located, the purchasing and sales office, the customer service department, the creative and logistic department, and the management center.

There is no art where there is no style
Oscar Wilde

HINNOVA S.R.L. is the dealer of an important ltalian brand ROMEO GIGLI MILANO for the leather goods and accessories sector. The collections of bags, wallets, belts and suitcases and other small leather accessories reflect the taste, the careful choice of materials, the quality of the construction, the attention to details of the historic brand, symbol of the ltalian fashion in the world.

The collections are born from the creativity of the company's designers who, inspired by the unmistakable style of the fashion house, combined the traditional brand recognition with the latest trends, making use of the technological innovation of products and processes. The quality of the creations, the reliability, an important distribution structure also for retail, a widespread and well structured logistics in the world and customer service are the priorities that our company has set for itself.


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